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Air Date: July 12, 2013
Host: Jim Schneider
Guest: Mark Crutcher
This Crosstalk began with news that Janet Napolitano has resigned as head of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. She will be moving to the position of president of the University of California. She will remain in her current position until September.
The Texas House passed pro-life legislation this week where it went to a Senate committee and a vote from the full Senate is expected yet today.
Joining Jim to talk about this legislation was Mark Crutcher. Mark is the founder and director of Life Dynamics a non-profit, pro-life organization that’s been in existence for more than two decades.
In Texas, one point to note is a clinic regulation bill that will require abortion clinics to meet the same medical and safety standards as other ambulatory surgical centers.
Mark pointed to the fact that if the oppostion believe that abortion should be legal so that it can be regulated and done by medical professionals in a clean, safe environment, why is there vicious opposition to a bill that calls for that exact thing?
In other words, when those opposing clinic regulation claim that meeting proper medical standards means abortion clinics will shut down, Mark simply asks, “Shouldn’t they be shut down?”
Texas is also asking for clinics to obtain admitting privileges to a nearby hospital for anyone that’s injured while under clinic care as well as a ban on abortions after 20 weeks under the belief that the baby can feel pain after that period.
Jim and Mark also talk about the following:
–The bizzare and nasty behavior of pro-choice individuals during the ending of the recent Texas legislative session.
–Senator Wendy Davis from Fort Worth who instituted a filibuster.
–Parental notice legislation making headway in Illinois.
–Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed “Sonya’s Law” requiring women seeking abortions to have an ultrasound as well as requiring clinics to have admitting privileges. A federal judge has blocked this legislation.
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