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Air Date: June 27, 2013
Host: Jim Schneider
Guests: Sam Rohrer
Sam Rohrer spent 9 terms in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. He led the opposition to Pennsylvania’s explosive growth of spending, regulations and unconstitutional mandates. As a home-schooling father for over 20 years, he led the statewide efforts for positive changes in the Pennsylvania home school law. In 2011 he served as State Director for Americans for Prosperity. Today he serves as the Leader of the Pennsylvania Pastor’s Network
This edition of Crosstalk continued to look at the two Supreme Court decisions dealing with the Defense of Marriage Act as well as California’s Proposition 8.
Sam noted that yesterday’s decisions were a constitutional “overreach”; a “judicial activism” and “judicial supremacy” in that the Supreme Court overruled the legitimate actions of Congress in establishing DOMA in the first place. Their actions also violated the right of California citizens to change their laws as they did in establishing Prop 8.
Listen to this discussion as Sam looks ahead at the wide ranging impact this will have, not only on the future of marriage, but how this will shape our religious and constitutional rights.
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