Federal Healthcare Database

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Air Date: June 4, 2013

Host: Jim Schneider

Guest: Twila Brase

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Twila Brase is president of the Citizens Council for Health Freedom. The organization is a free market resource for designing the future of health care by supporting patient and doctor freedom, medical innovation and the right of citizens to a confidential patient-doctor relationship. She is a certified public health nurse and actively speaks on issues pertaining to the Affordable Care Act otherwise known as “Obamacare”. She produces the daily “Health Freedom Minute” airing on stations across the country.

Twila began by explaining the new system of records (SRO) for Obamacare, known as The Health Insurance Exchange Program. This is a centralized database (Federal Data Services Hub) that is connected online to a website and infrastructure in every state (the state exchanges) to maintain information on individuals who apply for coverage under Obamacare.

Your Address, family status, race and ethnicity, insurance and employment status, wages, total household income, citizenship data, Social Security number, criminal history…all this and more will be tracked to help decide whether or not you can have coverage on the exchange.

Also on the discussion list was letters regarding Accountable Care Organizations (ACO’s). ACO’s are an attempt to bring hospitals and doctors together under one “umbrella”. Medicare provides a set amount of money to the ACO for an entire year or perhaps even up to 3 years. Out of that money, the doctors and hospitals provide health care to ACO participants so in one sense ACO’s are a form of health care rationing. Medicare is placing a number of their recipients into ACO’s and if you don’t pick one, they’ll do that for you. The ACO letter asks if you will allow the sharing of your information. However, Twila believes this is the government’s attempt to get seniors to say “yes” to tracking them via the data that’s given to the government.

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