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Air Date: March 27, 2013
Host: Vic Eliason
Guest: Mat Staver
Mat Staver is the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, an international nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and the family.
Mat described same-sex marriage as a deconstruction of the institution, an idea that accomplishes this through the redefinition of marriage as a policy matter.
On that note, yesterday and today the Supreme Court has been listening to arguments over 2 issues. Proposition 8 out of California involves the state constitutional amendment that affirmed marriage as the union of one-man and one-woman. The Defense of Marriage Act (D.O.M.A.) does the same thing in terms of federal benefits.
Mat explained that if for some reason 5 justices were to say that there’s a constitutional right to same-sex marriage, that will cause catastrophic changes in the areas of morality, our free exercise of religion, freedom of speech and aberrant same-sex activity and behavior within the public schools beginning in Kindergarten.
Regarding Prop 8 specifically, Mat believes that the justices are uncomfortable making a broad rule that will affect the entire nation and ultimately undermine the institution of marriage.
The timetable for a decision by the court is the month of June.
Vic and Mat also discussed the pressure upon the G.O.P. to go along with same-sex issues, the Starbucks Coffee shareholder controversy, along with other elements related to this topic.
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Liberty Counsel