Disarming the Powers of Darkness: The Spirit Gate


Show Information

Air Date: March 30, 2012

Host: Gordon Morris

Guest: Dave Benoit

Listen: MP3 | Real Audio | Windows Media | Order CD | Order DVD

This edition of Crosstalk featured evangelist Dave Benoit who spoke at a VCY America rally on October 2nd of 2010. The title of his rally address was: Disarming the Powers of Darkness: The Spirit Gate.

Dave Benoit founded Glory Ministries in 1984. Since that time he’s been communicating biblical messages on the dangers of rock music and the occult.

Dave began by quoting Revelation 12:12 and explained that the reason we see the intensity increasing in the supernatural is because Satan knows he has but a short time.

Recognizing this, David described some of the 7 spirits that Satan uses to wreak havoc on this world. They include:

–The spirit of fear
–The vile spirit
–The spirit of bondage
–The spirit of unfaithfulness
–The psychic spirit
–The lying spirit
–The spirit of anti-Christ

Dave backed up discussion of these spirits with interesting facts and statistics showing how these spirits are indicative of the soon return of Christ.

More Information:

To obtain a copy of the entire VCY rally featuring Dave Benoit in audio or video form, write or call:

VCY America
3434 W. Kilbourn Ave.
Milwaukee, WI. 53208

CD orders of this episdoe of Crosstalk will be filled by the CD of the Rally for $6, the DVD is $20
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