Media Defamation of Christianity

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Air Date: March 15, 2012

Host: Vic Eliason

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A letter received by Crosstalk from concerned Christians prompted this program which discussed the new comedy program which was started on Sunday, March 4, 2012.

The program is based on a book titled “Good Christian Bitches”, which depicts Christians as being grossly immoral, to the point of blasphemy, all for laughs. After a storm of protest when the publicity came out about the new program, the title was changed to “Good Christian Belles”, and eventually just “GCG”, which allows the user to decide what the initials mean.

While Christians can expect persecution, and are told to accept it and pray as individuals for their persecutors, Christians are also told to defend the faith. In addition, in a consumer-oriented society, it is proper for consumers to communicate to companies when they do not appreciate their product or service.

Vic recommended that listeners contact ABC, but because it was impossible to reach a live person at the ABC Entertainment phone number, he suggests contacting ABC Radio News to ask why they are not covering the story about the reaction to the controversial program.

Listeners then called with their comments and reports on their calls to ABC News.

More Information:

To contact ABC News in New York:


Read more details about the program from Wikipedia

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