The Universal Seven Day Week

According to the Bible, God completed creation in six days and rested on the seventh, thus setting the pattern for humans to follow. If the Bible’s account of creation is just a myth, or if the days of Genesis 1 are figurative, why is the very fabric of human existence tied to the seven day week?

The Hebrew word shabah means “seven.” It comes from the root word which means full or complete. Not only is this word the source of the word “Sabbath,” it is also related to the word “seven” in several languages, including English. Even the Chinese from ancient times have used the seven day week. The seventh day of the first lunar month is still known among the Chinese as the “birthday of mankind.” In ancient India, Egypt, Rome and Greece, the seven day week was standard. Exceptions are few and far between.

Science has also learned that one of our most basic biological cycles is tied to the seven day week. Researchers found measurable impairments in subjects who were denied one out of seven days for rest. They also found that no amount of experimental coaxing could change this built in seven day cycle to six or eight days.

Evolutionary researchers admit that they do not know when the seven day week started. But the origin of the seven day week is clearly presented in Scripture. The seven day week shows that the days in Genesis 1 are not make believe, nor are they figurative – they are the revealed truth of God!

Exodus 20:11
“For [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is], and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.”

Dear Lord, days are another of Your gifts to us to use for our good and Your glory. Help me to show the truth of what the Bible says about days by making each day You give me glorify You. Amen.

Photo: Envato.

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