Tasteful Data Preprocessing

Computer engineers are learning how to speed up computers and make them more efficient by using a number of processors instead of just one. They have also learned that designing computers that process some results and then send those results to another, larger processor for more complicated processing, helps them solve even more complicated problems.

But computer scientists recognize that they were not the first to use this principle. Though these systems are much simpler than the human brain, they mirror the brain’s basic structure. God has filled His creatures with biological preprocessors. Even your tongue, scientists have now learned, has preprocessors to help your brain sense a multitude of flavors.

The old theory that taste buds could only sense salt, sour, bitter and sweet has now been replaced by a more complete understanding. Each of your taste buds is made up of about 40 taste sensing cells that can detect each of the four flavors in various combinations. These cells communicate with each other, in effect deciding what signals to send to the brain about flavor. Your brain then further processes these signals before you learn that the chocolate ice cream you’re eating is extra tasty.

Computer scientists have been applying their best knowledge for decades in order to arrive at computers that are this well designed. This helps illustrate the point that even our tongues were designed by a great intelligence so that we could have the blessing of taste.

Job 12: 9-12
“Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this? In whose hand [is] the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind. Doth not the ear try words? and the mouth taste his meat? With the ancient [is] wisdom; and in length of days understanding.”

Dear Father, I thank You for the gift of taste and the ability to enjoy flavors. But do not let me become so centered on my senses that I misuse Your blessings by overeating. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Weiss, Rick. “Taste buds engage in cross talk.” Science News, Vol 136, #20, p. 317. Photo: Envato.

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