God’s Gift of Pets

God did not allow man to eat meat before the Great Flood but gave us permission to do so after the flood. At the same time, God placed the fear of man into the animals so that they would know that they needed to protect themselves.

However, those animals we generally refer to as “domesticated” remained in a close relationship with man. Even animals we don’t often think of as pets can offer benefits to man. Researchers have found that when autistic children interact with dolphins the children become more communicative. Researchers say that eye contact with pets is especially valuable. Animals generally find it very important to greet each other after a period of absence. That’s why our pets are so eager to greet us when we come home. It’s an important ritual for them, and we usually enjoy the warmth of the moment.

Researchers have also found that when pets are introduced into a family setting, families generally show more signs of closeness and warmth. There is more of healthy playing and less arguing. One of the most surprising findings was that when people give attention to their pets, blood pressure drops. Even gazing into an aquarium lowers blood pressure. People with the highest blood pressure benefit the most from this interaction.

The unconditional love offered by our pets is truly a blessing from God. But our Creator’s unconditional love toward us through the forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ is greater than any other love we can ever experience.

Genesis 9:2
“And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.”

Prayer: Dear Father in heaven, I thank You for the blessings we enjoy through relationships with the animals around us. Most of all, I thank You for Your unconditional love toward me through the forgiveness of sins in Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Notes: Joan Arehart-Treichel. 1982. “Pets: The Health Benefits.” Science News, Vol. 121, Mar. 27, pp. 220-223. Photo: PD

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