Welcome to Apologetics with Carl Kerby!
Why does God say abortion is wrong? To understand this, we have to look beyond any pre-conceived emotional arguments that have conditioned us to believe a certain way. We need to take a look at the process of life, and we’ll see something intricately beautiful.
Modern science reveals that at the moment an egg is fertilized, a bolt of lighting shoots from the inner core of the egg that changes the entire structure of the egg. Now I don’t know about you, but to me this is scientific evidence for the assigning of a soul and the beginning of an individual’s life.
When God assigns a soul to an individual, He commands that we “shall not murder,” making abortion the exact thing God tells us we are not to do.
Next time, I want to show you another foundational truth that goes even further than the science that proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, when life begins.
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Carl Kerby is the founder of Reasons for Hope and co-creator of the DeBunked apologetic video series. His radio feature, Fast Facts, is heard weekly on VCY America, Saturdays at 9:25 AM Central.