WORLDVIEW: Determinism

Today, we’re talking about worldviews. Naturalistic evolution has led many to determinism – the idea that because we’re the products of blind forces in nature, we are the way we are because of pre-existing causes. Therefore, we have no responsibility for the wrong things we do. Honestly, think of the times you’ve heard someone say, “_______ made me do it!”

But determinism does not jive with reality. After all, if no one were ever responsible for his or her own crimes, how could anyone ever be punished for anything!? In contrast, the biblical worldview holds that people were created by God and are responsible for their own choices. We have free will to choose right or wrong. In the end, as Romans 14:12 says, “[E]ach of us will give an account of himself to God.” The wonderful news is that Christ transforms lives, helping people make right moral choices.

Similar to determinism is fatalism, but we’ll discuss that another time. For more information, go to  Stay bold!

Carl Kerby is the founder of Reasons for Hope and co-creator of the DeBunked apologetic video series. His radio feature, Fast Facts, is heard weekly on VCY America, Saturdays at 9:25 AM Central.

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