WORLDVIEW: Connection Between the Lack of a Biblical Worldview and Youth Leaving the Church

Today, we’re talking about the importance of a biblical worldview and what can happen without one.  We’ve all heard reports of how massive amounts of young people are leaving the church. Ever wonder why this is the case?

Well, researcher George Barna gives us a clue. He found that only 19% of those who professed to be “born again” Christians have a biblical worldview when it comes to things like a belief in absolute truth, the authority of Scripture, and Christ being the only way to God.


Let’s be honest. Without a strong biblical worldview, young people are an easy target for Satan and can easily be deceived into buying into one of the many false belief systems in our world today. Like Hosea 4:6 reminds us, God’s people “are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” The bright side to all this is that we can use Christian apologetics as a means to share a biblical worldview that can help people avoid falling prey to false ideas. We just have to share it!

But what are some of these false worldviews that are challenging the Christian faith? We’ll discuss that another time. Until then, find more apologetic resources at Stay bold! 

Carl Kerby is the founder of Reasons for Hope and co-creator of the DeBunked apologetic video series. His radio feature, Fast Facts, is heard weekly on VCY America, Saturdays at 9:25 AM Central.

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