What About Fossils? (Part 1)

“Carl, everybody KNOWS fossils prove evolution.  Why fight about it?”  I hear this a lot.

Many Christians miss how fossils are being used to teach a generation to not trust God’s Word.  One way is to point to their supposed age.  Christian, fill in the blank:

The wages of sin is ____________! 

If you said “death” and believe that fossils are millions of years old, then there’s a problem with your logic.  God tells us in Romans 5:12 that it was by one man (Adam) that sin came into the world, and death was the consequence of Adam’s sin.  If you believe that fossils (dead things) have been here for millions of years, then Adam wasn’t the reason for their appearance. Think about it … Adam wasn’t here millions of years ago to cause the death of those fossils! 

God makes it very clear that what He gave us was perfect. No death! No tears!  We (human beings) destroyed that perfect gift by our sin.  It’s NOT God’s fault that we see ugliness in the world today. It’s ours! That is why it’s so important to not allow millions of years to be put into the Bible!

But, don’t fossils show change over time?  We’ll see about that … next time!  Stay bold!

Carl Kerby is the founder of Reasons for Hope and co-creator of the DeBunked apologetic video series. His radio feature, Fast Facts, is heard weekly on VCY America, Saturdays at 9:25 AM Central.

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