Evolution and the Law of Biogenesis

This is Ken Ham, author, speaker, and blogger on why we can trust the Bible.

The law of biogenesis states that “life can only come from other life.” This scientific law is foundational to the rest of biology. According to everything we’ve ever seen, life never comes from non-life. Life only comes from life.

But if evolution is true, then life had to have come from non-living chemicals. This means that the law of biogenesis had to have been broken sometime in the past. But we don’t know of any process that could break this law!

When you start with the Bible, the law of biogenesis makes sense. There was never a time when life had to come from non-life because life is a gift from the Creator.

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This post originally appeared at https://answersingenesis.org/media/audio/answers-with-ken-ham/volume-152/evolution-and-the-law-of-biogenesis/

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