Our Sin and Our Savior

This is Ken Ham, author of the Genesis commentary for the whole family, Creation to Babel.

This week we’re seeing that the history in the book of Genesis is foundational to all Christian doctrine—including the gospel.

You see, the good news of Jesus begins with the bad news in Genesis. God created a perfect world, free from death and suffering. But the first man, Adam, disobeyed God’s command, and the penalty for sin is death. Yes, Adam’s choice brought death into God’s creation.

Because death is the penalty for sin, Jesus came and lived the perfect life we can’t. He then died a physical death on the cross in our place. Now today, everyone who repents and trusts in Christ alone receives forgiveness from their sin and eternal life!

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This post originally appeared at https://answersingenesis.org/media/audio/answers-with-ken-ham/volume-151/our-sin-and-our-savior/

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