Do I Believe in UFOs?
This is Ken Ham, author of the eye-opening book on the culture wars, Divided Nation.

So, do I believe in UFOs? Yes, I do. There certainly are unidentified flying objects!

But do I believe these UFOs are piloted by extraterrestrials? No, I don’t! I don’t believe aliens exist at all.

You see, the Bible says that it’s earth that was created for life. And it’s earth that’s the focus of God’s attention. So, we don’t expect to find life anywhere else.

And the Bible also teaches us that man’s sin has affected all of creation. Thus, if there were intelligent aliens out there, they’re under the “groaning” of sin and yet they can’t be saved. You see, Jesus came as the God-man, not as the God-alien!

No, aliens don’t exist!

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