Does God Use They/Them Pronouns?
This is Ken Ham, on a mission to call the church back to the authority of God’s Word.

The Bible tells us “God is spirit” and doesn’t have a body like us. But that doesn’t mean God is “gender neutral.” God has revealed himself to us—and he’s done so with masculine pronouns and titles such as Father, Son, God, King, Priest, and Prophet.

And, of course, God’s revelation of himself culminated in the arrival of the God-man—not God-woman or God-non-binary-person!

And consider this—Adam, the first man, is the head of the human race, and in him we all sinned and now die. Jesus came as the “last Adam,” who, through his death, brings life. Since death came into the world by a man, our atonement needed to be paid by a man.

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