Basic Bible Doctrines Class

What does the Bible teach about Jesus Christ?  About angels?  About demons?  About humanity?  What does it teach about the Inspiration of Scriptures?  And why does it matter?

To help ground you in the faith, VCY invites you to attend a “Basic Bible Doctrines” class being taught in the lower level of the VCY Bookstore Tuesday evenings beginning September 17th.

This 8-week class will meet from 6:30-8:30 weekly and will be taught by Pastor Wade Kuhlewind & Pastoral Intern Jesse Anderson.  They have a desire to see you grow in your walk with the Lord. 

You’ll also learn about the Inspiration of the Scriptures, the Trinity, the work of the Holy Spirit, future events and how God’s Word lays out what lies ahead.    

The registration cost for this 8-week course is just $20 for an individual or $35 for a couple and includes course materials.  To register contact the VCY Bookstore at 414-463-1770 or 1-888-722-4829.  Register today!

Pastor Wade Kuhlewind
Pastoral Intern Jesse Anderson

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