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The Vital Necessity to Vote

Date: October 15, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Troy Miller MP3 | Order According to a recent Barna study, only half of the people of faith plan to vote this November.  However, according to Troy …

Divine Expulsion

Nation State

Screen Time Diminishes Language Development


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WVCY-TV30 relaunched into HD on 9/25!

Thanks to God’s provision through your prayers and financial support – WVCY-TV30 (over the air and online) upgraded to High Definition (HDTV) on Wednesday, September 25th at 1 PM! What …

Sold out! VCY 2024 October 24-26 Ark Encounter Trip

FREE Truth Grower Resource for October


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The Vital Necessity to Vote

Date: October 15, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Troy Miller MP3 | Order According to a recent Barna study, only half of the people of faith plan to vote this November.  However, according to Troy …

AI & Transhumanism

Artificial Intelligence by Richard Schmidt

In Focus

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inFocus 5/20/24 “40 Years Of Parental Control in Education!”

In Focus is a live call-in program airing on WVCY-TV30 and VCYAmerica.TV Monday Nights at 7 PM, and repeated at midnight, 5 AM, and Noon.


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Gary Kah Rally – The Globalist Agenda Exposed!

Gary Kah spoke at the Waukesha Expo for the September 21st, 2024 VCY Rally. Length: 1h26m Click here to purchase a CD copy for a donation of $6.00 Click here …

Andy Woods Rally – The Signs of the Times

From the Director

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From the Director

“The Vital Necessity of Repentance” By Jim Schneider, Executive DirectorVCY America We often hold the mistaken notions that God owes us something and that He is obligated to bless the …

From the Director

From the Director

Fast Facts

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Fast Facts: Butterfly (Part 2)

I’m Carl Kerby, and we’re talking about butterflies. Now, most people know that a butterfly starts off as a caterpillar, which is an insanely interesting creature in itself! Did you …

Fast Facts: Giraffe (Part 6)

Fast Facts: Giraffe (Part 5)

Bible Reading Challenge

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October 17 – Captivity, Exile, and Diaspora – What Is Jeremiah Talking About?

TODAY’S BIBLE READING CHALLENGE:   Jeremiah 30:1-31:26   1 Timothy 2:1-15   Psalm 87:1-7   Proverbs 25:18-19 Jeremiah 30:9 — Why does God bring up the time of “Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7)? So that they may …

October 15 – Not Afraid for Even His Own Life

Christian Heritage

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David Saxon

The Lone Star Revival

The story of the Lone Star Revival begins in the 1830s, when Samuel and Roenna Day sailed to India to work as missionaries. By 1840, the Days were fairly fluid …

America’s Founding Pastors

What Is Revival? – Part II

Prophecy Q & A

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Patriots of the Past

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John Adams – July 7, 1826

It’s July 7, 1826. I’m at a tea party with Caroline Adams, the granddaughter of our second president, John Adams. JG: “Caroline, what words of wisdom did your grandfather leave …

George Washington – September 19, 1796

Grace and Rachel Martin – July 9, 1780

Apologetics with Carl Ke

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LIFE ISSUES: Methamphetamine

Today, we’re talking about Methamphetamine. Methamphetamine is an extremely addictive stimulant that – like many other drugs – can be smoked, snorted, injected, or taken orally. According to the Substance …

LIFE ISSUES: Marijuana (Part 3)

LIFE ISSUES: Marijuana (Part 2)

Faith’s Checkbook

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Divine Expulsion

Thou shalt drive out the Canaanites, though they have iron chariots, and though they be strong. Joshua 17:18 It is a great encouragement to valor to be assured of victory, …

World Concord

Nothing Old

Wisconsin Family Connection

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Screen Time Diminishes Language Development recent study out of Australia found that for every minute a young child spends in front of a screen, their opportunities for language development are significantly diminished, the Washington …

Columbus Day 2024

It’s Still Columbus Day

Building Great Leaders

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Building Great Leaders – Trials And Temptations Christians Face, Part 2

Les Ollila is an evangelist who served as the second president (1984-2002) and then chancellor (2002-2013) of Northland Baptist Bible College (1976-2015), later Northland International University. In 2013, Ollila began …

Share Life

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True Tragedy Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today. During the early days of EE, a young man named Jack and two …

Ready for the Storm

Today is the Day of Salvation

Life Issues

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Use Discernment When Consuming News use discernment when consuming political news.  The far-Left media is very biased in favor of pro-abortion candidates.  An undercover journalist made a date with Basel Hamdan, a producer at …

Man Caught Trying to Poison Wife

Visit After Eighteen Years

Creation Moments

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The Animal that Confused Scientists

Sometimes God’s imagination is so creative that even the scientists are stumped by the results. One such example is the colugo, an animal that scientists tried to place in three …

Un acento en la habilidad del lenguaje

The Mountain of the Mists

Phyllis Schlafly Report

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The Musk-Trump Interview Was a Free Speech Flashpoint

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · October 15 | The Musk-Trump Interview Was a Free Speech Flashpoint Featured Image via x/@realdonaldtrump. Elon Musk’s interview with Donald Trump in August sparked significant controversy, not just for its content but for the reactions it provoked from various quarters. The interview’s massive viewership contrasted sharply with the lower ratings of mainstream […]

How the Government Manipulates Information

The Youth Don’t Know Civics

Freedom’s Call with Mat Staver

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Grew up in Poverty

He released his bitterness and embraced God’s love and His Word. Constitutional expert, lawyer, author, pastor, and founder of Liberty Counsel Mat Staver highlights in 60 seconds the important topics of the day that impact life, liberty, and family. To stay informed and get involved, visit
Podcast: Play in new window | Download

Be the Hands and Feet of Jesus

Viewpoints with Kerby Anderson

Nation State

Kerby Anderson
Yesterday I talked about the book, The Sovereign Individual which decades ago predicted the death of the nation state. To paraphrase Mark Twain, the rumors of the demise of the nation state are greatly exaggerated. Governments may still exist and exercise their power, but we can see how the power and influence of some governments are in decline. There are many reasons for this trend.
First, is geography. The information revolution has made it possible for many people to make a living online or by working remotely. A factory has a more difficult time changing locations, though many have done so by even leaving the US. By contrast, an individual participating in the cyber economy can pick up and leave a jurisdiction if taxes, regulations, or even climate is unfavorable. They can move from one state to another or from one country to another, and usually, the government is powerless to stop them.
Second, is the reality of a government monopoly. When we go into a store or a coffee shop, we expect customer service, but governments take us for granted and rarely treat us like customers. The authors use this example:
If you went into a store to buy furniture, and the salespeople took your money but then proceeded to ignore your requests and consult others about how to spend your money, you would quite rightly be upset… The fact that something very like this happens in dealings with governments shows how little control its “customers” actually have.
A third reason, not mentioned in the book, is the sad reality that governments are broke. You could argue that the US is $31 trillion past broke. Put another way, the US national debt is significantly more than GDP. And there are a dozen other countries in the world with higher debt loads. This is not sustainable.
Nation states are not dead, but most of them are dying.

The Sovereign Individual

Masculine Christianity